Male Maine Coon Weight vs Female Maine Coon Weight

Maine Coon cats are well-known because of their weight. A 4-month male Maine Coon weight can reach up to 7.1 pounds. It is the reason why this breed is known as the largest domestic house cat. The information below is useful for those who have a Maine Coon cat at home.

Boy Maine Coon Weight Kittens vs Girl Maine Coon Weight Kittens

Is a male Maine Coon cat larger and heavier than a female? Yes, it does but there are also cases where female Maine Coon cats are larger and heavier than the male. Experts explain that it happens due to genetics and the lines being used for breeding.

The best way to measure the size of your Maine Coon kitten is after their maturity ages. For example, a boy Maine Coon kitten was 4.7 oz at first but his weight increased significantly to 3 lb in 8 weeks. On the other hand, a girl Maine Coon kitten was born with a 3.5 oz weight.

Then, she grows up to 2.3 lb in 8 weeks. There was also a boy Maine Coon kitten that was born with a 4.1 oz weight. His weight increases up to 2 lb in 8 weeks. In contrast, a girl Maine Coon kitten was born with 4.3 oz. She grows up to 3.5 lb in 8 weeks.

Adult Male Maine Coon Weight vs Female Maine Coon Weight 

So, how about the adult Maine Coon cats? For your information, male Maine Coon cats can live up to 4 years and even 5 years. A male Maine Coon cat can reach up to 17.8lb in 4 years. On the other hand, female Maine Coon cats’ lifespan is shorter.

They can live only up to 2 or 3 years. The female Maine Coon weight can reach up to 10.8lb to 12.8lb in 3 years. It seems that in the adult ages, male Maine Coon cats are bigger and heavier than the female. It happens even when the female was bigger and heavier in the kitten ages.

The information explains that Maine Coon weight varies. You can only get an accurate measurement when measuring them after their maturity levels. This breed often takes up to 5 years to achieve its maximum size.

Indeed, the Maine Coon weight, size, and quality of the fur depend on the treatments, food, environment, and others. Ensure that you take care of your Maine Coon cats well to keep them healthy and reach their maximal grown size.